✄--- hidingspot ---
hey hi hello

Welcome to hidingspot! My personal site to post whatever I please. Expect sporadic updates, enjoy the clutter while it lasts.
Site stuff
To Do
- - merge /logs + /fun
- - make new guestbook + button
- - apr may medialog update
- - clean up behind the scenes info
- -
remove hotlinks ;;, compress imgs - [complete 26/5] style status.cafe
- [somewhat complete 24/5] learn more general html css stuff
- [complete 26/3] add pages:
about, cat, fun directory, logs, sitemap - [complete 2/4] edit pages: cat
- 27/6 - added replacement guestbook
- 18/6 - new journal entry (renamed from blog)
- 6/6 - new blog entry, updated status.cafe css, added to webring
- 24/5 - added blog page
- 10/4 - edited cat page, logged in media log.
- 2/4 - added hit counter, added first draft new layout for cat page, made minor code tweaks.
- 26/3 - made additions to multiple pages. added media log + first draft logs (renamed from hobbies).
- 19/3 - edited layout to be more responsive. added links n credits pg. added icon + made other small tweaks.
- 14/3 - added fun directory first draft. compressed (some) images.
- 10/3 - added guestbook and button. reorganized behind the scenes info. edited about. removed (most) hotlinks
- 4/3 - 404 page edited, sitemap first draft added.
- 3/3 - edits to main page, first draft fun, about pages added.
- 27/2 - site first draft uploaded.
⭅ atabook -- neocities profile -- links and credits ⭆