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Cat page V1 (2024 march) thumbnail of former cat page
Version 1 of this page was the first webpage that I ever coded, from one month ago as of writing. Its nice to see that my coding skills have improved since the start of this website.

sus amongus cat xat cst cat cat cat  [[ ✄--- hidingspot --- ]]  cat cartae cat art car ca t sus amongus

my cat's cute face Cat kiss camera gif my cat lying down
age: 2 and a half yrs
breed: munchkin
likes: dried duck meat, big chew toys, lying down belly up
fears: loud noises, the outdoors, plastic bags
status: single (balls intact)

My cat means a lot to me. He's the cutest animal in existance (real).

My cat joined the family when he was a couple months old. He was very tiny and weak, but very cute all the same. His fur was a lot patcher back then, the cause of which we later discovered was a serious illness. Not fun for us first time cat owners, but after lots of vet checks and needle injections it passed. He's very healthy now.

my cat lying down looking sleepy
my cat being pressed on the paws
my cat taking a nap

cats from the gc

orange cat side eye shocked black cat gets pet by cursor orange cat squinting with caption: buh?? chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi :3 cat gets hit by a brick orange cat EXPLODES
Komi-san with cat ears nodding anime gif