- credits -

This site uses a modified version of cinni.net’s steel ball run inspired layout.

↓↓ assets
opengameart free to use game assets. includes backgrounds, textures, sprites etc.
mf2fm free to use javascript effects
cursors4u free to use stylized cursors
incr.easrng adds a site counter button
the ransomizer makes customizable magazine cutout style text

↓↓ tools
w3schools, stackoverflow, mdn web docs, codepen the four horsemen of starter website building
dither me this sleek image dithering tool
photopea browser-based photoshop photo editing tool
pixilart browser-based pixel art maker
ezgif lots of gif tools

- links -

↓↓ neo neighbors
fellow dunmeshi enjoyer, very fun site w sweet tunes
nice art, unique site look
Philia995really pleasant layout, great taste in games
the layouts are cool, and the webmaster has great art
doqmeatvery pretty, lucky i had to chance to explore this
Velvet Blue the blue site of all time
visit cielsmells like clean sheets and air freshener

↓↓ other nice sites